Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Anj Granieri Volunteer Fundraising Request

Anj Granieri is an accomplished singer/songwriter, and has even landed a gig this year writing for Oprah Winfrey. We reviewed her album When Grey Blushes last year and in the process identified an artist who deserves your attention. At this time Ms. Granieri could also use your help. She has decided to take a step back from the music world this summer and go volunteer her time and effort by living/working in an Ophanage in Valea Screzzi, Romania. In order to fund her "Volunteer Placement Fee", airfare and supplies, Granieri needs to raise $3,000.00. You can read more about her planned trip and make donations in any amount at http://www.firstgiving.com/anjgranieri. All donations are tax deductible, and in this case it will be funding a real live person to go and help real live people. There will be no question, as there are in all of the appeals you see on late night television, or where the money goes and what will be done with it.

So be sure to make a donation to support Ms. Granieri's volunteer work, and while you're at it, check out When Grey Blushes, it will also be very much worth your time.

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