Thursday, June 12, 2008

CD Review: Jonathan Balas - Jonathan Balas

Jonathan Balas - Jonathan Balas
2007, Jonathan Balas

Jonathan Balas is up today with his self-titled 4-track debut EP, offering the world a first glance at the product of his muse. The tracks here are perfect for placement in a prime-time teen soap opera, with vaguely emotion-filled lyrics, mildly jangly guitar and safe balladry. Jonathan Balas' voice is pleasant and easy to listen to. The songwriting is safe and perhaps a little formulaic, but easily listenable.

California Here I Go is perhaps the liveliest track here (and has been featured on MTV’s Laguna Beach). Lovers Paradise is the sort of song that likely will end up in a teen drama if Mr. Balas has anyone marketing him in that fashion. The songs are pleasant, but I found myself failing to be blown away. There's obvious talent here, and I suspect that these tunes would take on more life in a live setting. It just didn't carry as well as it might have on CD.

Rating: 3 Stars (Out of 5)

You can learn more about Jonathan Balas at, where you can purchase a copy of his EP. You can also download the album or individual songs on iTunes.


  1. His lyrics are very moving, talking about social issues, fun in the sun and God. Great Job Jonathan!

  2. Jonathan's music is awesome, especially live! each song he writes just gets better and better both lyrically and musically. his acoustic ballads are powerful and intriguing (I teared up the first time he played "My Own Way") yet his "California rock" songs are an energetic twist. no one can match this boy's voice : ) anyone who gets a chance to meet this sweet guy, or see a show, is very blessed! he has got talent and a heart. love ya, Jonathan!

  3. Great music with a well needed change from the norm of the industry these days. As his band comes together we are going to see Jonathan's work appreciated and well received.

    Keep it up Jonathan, we need artists like you.
