Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CD Review: ThinkSoBrain - 2007 Demo

ThinkSoBrain - 2007 Demo
2007, Thinksobrain

From the very rim of the thundering Niagara Escarpment comes the demo from Thinksobrain, a relatively new metal band that's just starting to put themselves out there for consideration! Take one part Marilyn Manson, two parts King Diamond (from his RC Records days) and one part Metallica and you have an idea of what Thinksobrain is all about.

The demo includes three songs, plus a couple of live tracks added on by ThinkSoJoe. King Of Chaos has a definite Marilyn Manson vibe. It was probably my least favorite track on the disc, but well executed. It just had this sort of slow-grinding vibe that I don't get into (but some love). Burning The Bush is a "tribute" to big oil presidents and the spiraling price of gasoline. Expected has a much more radio-friendly sound to it than the other two. Expected has an almost punk sensitivity to it. The live tracks $%^&ed up and Albino both show a metal band starting to transition from a sound of pure noise to a musical application of the concept of musicality.

I believe that ThinkSoBrain has a future, albeit perhaps not on these shores. The style of music they are making is probably much more commercially viable on the distant shows of Japan and/or Northern Europe. Nevertheless, ThinkSoBrain's 2007 Demo shows definite promise.

Rating 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)

You can learn more about ThinkSoBrain at www.thinksobrain.com. They are not currently selling copies of their demo, but if you ask really nice maybe they will.


  1. Thanks for the review, Wildy. If your readers are interested in purchasing "King of Chaos" and "> Expected," both tracks are available for digital download purchase through our MySpace page (myspace.com/thinksobrain). "King of Chaos" will be available on iTunes pretty soon as part of Quickstar Productions' "Downtown Metal Volume 6" compilation, and "Burning The Bush" will eventually be available on our MySpace as well.

    And yes, if they ask nicely and tell us that they found us through your blog, we might be convinced to sell them a copy of the demo for a couple of bucks.

  2. And that, folks, is the fine art of negotiation...
