Tuesday, June 3, 2008

High Volume

Good morning, world!

Things here at Wildy's World are hopping these days. We've had over 40 submissions in the past 8 days. Yikes!

It's great to have so much interest in the site, but such volume does require some changes in how I do things.

What we're going to do on a go-forward basis is have two types of reviews. The full reviews that I have been writing will continue, but there will also be some encapsulated reviews as well. This will be at my discretion based on how interesting, unusual, artistic, unique, beautiful, etc. I think a particular project is.

The encapsulated review will give a brief statement about the disc (hopefully, usually quotable) and a rating. Encapsulated reviews will continue to be individual posts with artwork, and will continue to include links to band websites and avenues of purchase, and so hopefully will continue to drive traffic to your site and hopefully sales as well.

I will also be starting to cover the occasional press release from artists that we've reviewed here, so don't hesitate to send those along electronically. If I think it's interesting or of value to our readers then I will post something about it.

That's all for now. Busy morning leaves no time to post reviews, but I'll be back with a bunch tomorrow.

Be well.



  1. Oh man - PLEASE DON'T Encapsulate me! I'm turning into a loyal reader - if that accounts for anything. (The down side is fending off the desire to buy so much of the music!) I'm also hoping the extra postage put mine in the queue BEFORE the other 40 stacked up. But I guess I'll just have to take it as it comes...

  2. Not to worry. I haven't done any yet and probably won't do any as encapsulated. I was just looking at a pile of 50+ recordings trying to figure out how to get through it all.

    The answer?

    One at a time, baby. One at a time!
