Thursday, March 5, 2009

Review: Natascha Roth - Way Out South

Natascha Roth – Way Out South
2008, Natascha Roth

Natascha Roth is a native of Germany who also has a home bass in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a master’s degree in jazz voice and has toured all throughout Europe and South Africa. Roth recently introduced herself to the United States performing with Jeanie Bryson, the daughter of the late, great Dizzy Gillespie. Roth’s latest release, Way Out South came out in 2008, and seems fairly representative of the artist as she presents herself.

Natascha Roth writes in the same acoustic folk/pop vein as The Indigo Girls and Shawn Colin with a hint of pop refinement. See You There is a prime example of the pure folk singer/songwriter Roth began as. Intelligent and poetic lyrics dovetail with a gorgeous melody and plaintive guitar background to provide a true musical “moment”. Mariana is a wonderful song featuring Spanish Guitar styling and a nicely rhythmic arrangement. The absolute highlight of the album is Someone Like You.

Natascha Roth brings a highly personal and personable style of songwriting and performance to the table. Way Out South does cross a few rough spots, but all in all is an excellent introduction to Natascha Roth. Great listening!

Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)

You can learn more about Natascha Roth at or, where you can purchase a copy of Way Out South as well as Roth’s two previous albums.

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