Sunday, May 10, 2009

Review: La Forza - Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I)

La Forza – Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I)
2009, La Forza Music

Yelm, Washington (pop. 4000) is the breeding ground for a new sound in popular music. Austrian born classical pianist Divina Klein and Hip-Hop producer Douglas Mackar (Cleveland, Ohio) combine to create La Forza. A force in more than just name, La Forza takes classically influenced electronic music and raises the genre to high art. Their debut album, Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I) is a dance/party record. Mixing structured compositions with improvisation while on stage, La Forza is always fully present in their performances.

The blend of ambient electronica and dance beats on Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I) comes off as ultimately uninspired. Across twelve tracks La Forza fails to offer up anything that is highly original or intriguing, proving more a blend of sounds than anything truly dynamic. Some of the organic piano work here is enjoyable, but fails to be remarkable. Fans of trippy piano-based electronica will dig it, I'm sure, but without distinct structure, melody or sense of movement it becomes too easy to relegate Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I) to the stack of not-enjoyable but unremarkable ambient releases. Because so much of the human element of music is missing from ambient music, artists who find a way to transcend the technology they use and stamp their humanity on their music stand out. One senses La Forza trying to make that breakthrough on Dance Music For Your Mind (Vol. I), but never quite getting there. The album is a pleasant listen but not something that will call you to return.

Rating: 2 Stars (Out of 5)

You can learn more about La Forza at or You can purchase a copy of Dance Music For Your Mind at

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